An Insecure Girl #NoFilterScholarship
A filter is an unattractive face covered with a mask
Spraying perfume at the trash
Covering a bad hair with a hat
A filter is what I’m always in need of
Cause without it, I’m the reason why the place stinks up
So I spray my make up on my face to cover it up
Without my filters society ignores me and tease me
They call me all sorts of words intended to displease me
Without my filters I get so lonely
But with them, everybody knows me
Without my filters I am literary a nobody
I’m just an angry ugly beast that no one wants to go near
It’s like I am ill with an infectious disease
It sucks that society shackles me
Even though I hate the idea of being a sheep
I have to be who society wants me to be
For when I remove this filter all my friends becomes my enemies
So allow me to put my make up on before this camera flashes on
Before I get put on trial, judged for not being who society wants