Inner Demon
An antagonizing demon festered a feeling of imminent destruction within this decaying body
Continuing it’s relentless cycle until it chipped away all the remnants of myself
Not even the light could reach within the dark crevices that held this demon
An inner demon spawned within this fragile body of mine
I became the host to a demon that would eventually poison me from the inside out
This demon finally held my vital organs in an iron grasp
It controlled my ragged breaths
It owned my faintly beating heart
It rewired my poisoned brain
The only being that allowed me to function was the demon within
I became the servant this the demon’s newly built empire
Orders were continuously etched into my corrupt subconsciousness
Forcing me to my breaking point in order to free the growing demon inside
The demon eventually broke through my withered consciousness
Falling into the hands of the one part of me it could never own
A pure consciousness that wields the ultimate power of realization
This realization spread throughout my pulsating body
Seeping into every corrupt cell and reviving it
Hunting down death to bring in life once again
Cleansing the demon that is now bound by shackles
Through all the despair and agony brought upon by this demon
It shall never leave its host
For it has always been there waiting to be discovered by realization
The realization that this demon can no longer break me like before
This demon has be repurposed to serve me instead as a tool
A tool that has molded me into the being I am today