I'd Like Love
One day you will write a song for my soul
And as soon as I hear it I'll just know
It will be the tune I've waited for all along
You'll run your fingers through my hair and say this is our song
And I know I'll know it a mile away,
Because I dream about it every day
I'll hear it and I'll feel complete,
Knowing you are the man I've been waiting to meet
You'll know all the right words to say,
They will just come to you, in your natural way
There will be up's and there will be downs
But in spite of this you'll be around,
Things will get hard, as they always do,
But in the end I'll know I still have you
And you can have me to, you see
I'll give myself to you happily
And if you break I'll fix you
And when I break you'll fix me too
It will be the two of us
A never ending ring of trust
I'm empty now, and you must be too
If the love I speak of is really true
But we can fill in the blanks, my dear
I can make you hole for all our years
I will take away all your pain
And in the name of love you'll do the same
I just can't wait to meet you,
And I hope you feel the same way too