I wonder, where are we
I wonder, where are we going?
We’ve sat here for years,
Reading and noting,
Learning but never knowing.
What it is that lies ahead:
Is it joy, is it dread?
Will the fabric of our lives unravel into thread?
How can we be prepared
For a world we never dared
To dip our toes into?
A world we’ve only seen
Though other peoples’ eyes.
You tell us to trust them and jump.
I wonder, where will we land?
Can you feel it?
The possibilities flowing
On the other side of tomorrow.
Give me your hand and you can borrow,
My shoulder if you want.
Don’t worry about the small things
The ups and the downs
We’re in this together
I’ll save you, don’t drown
And if the world keeps telling you
That you’re not good enough
Scoff it away, spit in its face
Because you are the meaning of tough
You are afraid, but you can do this.
I know, because I’ve seen you,
You’ve grown into something new
That so few knew you could do.
Scraped knees, wounded pride,
You’ve screamed and you’ve cried.
You’ve learned from the sky
That it’s ok to be blue,
And the sky has wept along with you.
Because you’ve learned, never knowing,
From friends and teachers
And life and growing.
The stories you’ve loved,
The people you’ve told,
The kisses and hugs,
The hands that you hold
You’ve grown and you’ve changed,
All in all for the better,
Every letter of your name
The same yet more clever.
Stronger, a bit faster,
Maybe taller, you bastard.
You are the success story
I will whisper
Into hearts and against ears,
You’ve been improving,
By leaps and bounds for years.
I can’t wait to see you
Grow into forever.
As together,
We live our dreams apart.
So curl your hands around the reins,
Skip your feet like stones against the water,
These are only growing pains
As your heart does backflips
And you flip back
Through the pictures
You used princess stickers to tape down
To the pages of memory
Afloat in mind’s seas,
You learned to swim
By refusing to let be.
I wonder, where will we go?
When everything and nothing,
Is unfound and unknown?