"I Love You"
As a child all we want to hear are the words "I love you",
And it isn't an "I love you" like I love cookies kind of love you,
It's and "I love you" with the meaning I would go to the moon and back just for you,
But somewhere along the way,
Somewhere in the generations of people in this world the "I love you"'s became worthless,
The became the rocks we threw in rivers that sank to the bottom,
We took a phrase that meant so much and turned it into nothing...
We all know,
Kids grow up,
The "I love you"'s become less and change in meaning,
For me they died...
The "I love you"'s were no longer an ocean of feelings,
They became the holes I fell into never to be heard from again,
Somewhere along the line,
"I love you" turned into an obligation,
"I love you" became a prison I could not escape,
I was stuck in something I couldn't get out of,
But family is blood,
And you can't change that...
Because of this,
I can no longer believe the words "I love you" without fear of it not being true,
To those who wrecked my love,
I can no longer look them in the eyes...
I used to treasure the words "I love you",
Now I hold onto them,
Hoping one day that someone will say "I love you" and really mean it...
Funny how such a simple phrase can cause so much destruction...