I Guess This is Goodbye
He tasted like mangos
i couldn't place it until the next day
when his lips were no longer on mine
and his hands still felt like they were on my neck
his lips and hands like ghosts
his smile, his laugh were spirits
they haunted me for days
its been a week
i think he'll haunt me for years
the ghost of what was
what could have been
and what is
i wonder,
i wonder if he couldn't place my smell
i wonder if he found it the next day
and realized his mistake
maybe he thinks about me
he remembers our kiss
and the way my hands felt,
on him
i wonder,
do i haunt him?
when he falls asleep at night
and the room falls quiet and dark
does he imagine my smile
does he remember the moments before
our lips first touch,
does he wish he could redo it all
when the time is right
am i the ghost of what was
what could have been
and what is?
am i the one that got away?
but he's the one that left.