I Broke
Who Am I?
Who I am on the outside is not the same inside
A spirit inside of me is begging
Begging for me to let it free and be who I want to be
You may think you know me
However you only see what I want you to see
I hide behind a curtain
A curtain of lies, deceit, pain, and suffering
I pretend to be perfect, to be strong, to be independent
But inside is an insecure, depressed, and melancholy boy
Deep down I am not the strong independent person I come off as
I am nothing but broken
It feels as if I keep piling band aids on top of each other hoping
Hoping that no one will see the agony and pain trying to escape
Many say that it gets better and everything will be "okay"
How can I be okay if I was never okay to start with?
A person can only be pushed so much until I break
I can only be pushed so much until I break
And I've been pushed so much that
I broke