"How Are You?"
The world only sees
What I want them to see
The true me is a mystery
I crumble behind the scenes
I smiled once today
And it was a miracle, see,
For the first time in months
It was not a conditioned movement
It was not forced to be by conscious thought
It appeared on its own
The chattiness and apparent gregariousness?
All a mask for fear
The watching eyes I know aren’t there
Follow me down the halls
Silently judging and mocking
Making me shrink down into myself
I fight back by materializing a grin and portraying social ease
But once alone I sit, sobbing
A tear falls for each word I let slip past my lips
Swearing never to speak again
My friends don’t understand why I’m quick to tears after meeting someone new
They don’t know what I only need to make eye contact to see
They don’t know that the only people who can see the plead for help
Are ones who need the help themselves
The overwhelming fear that accompanies this
Is that I will always need that help
That I will never amount to more
That my life will be this way
See this is me
I am not who I portray
I am not happy
I am not outgoing
I am not strong
I am depressed
I am awkward
I am abused
One day I hope to escape my bindings
Be free of my chains and pull away the mask
But I am not there yet
So today it stays firmly in place
I will smile at appropriate times
I will laugh at a friend’s joke
I will keep my home life private
I will dream of one day being me