Homo Sapiens Need Love Too
I love too hard
But doesn’t that me human
But doesn’t that make us human
We find that one
We think is the one
Because we feel in our souls they’re right
Because we feel we can’t go without them
We love too hard
But is it really “too” or just enough
But is it really love or a made up love to mask this hole we think has to be filled
We wrap ourselves in it
We allow it to suck what life we have left
Because what life is there without it
Because what will there be left without it
And we love too hard
But we question what is love
But we question if the definition is even relevant
We just know we need it
We just know we’ll do and go through whatever it takes to have it and to keep it
Because we love the idea of love
Because we love the word love
Because it’s what we’re accustomed to
Because it’s what we yearn for
And because it makes me human
And because it makes us human
So we love too hard… but who really cares