Hateful hearts
I'm tired of all this hate and disgust we need to separate its not them its "U.S."
We blame everything as a country on a color
instead of just solving the problem before it snow balls
from a flake to a feather to an anvil.
And crushes us all like the snakes we are slithering over an ant hill.
Disrespect and dishonesty. I mean honestly how can u not see.
Mexicans help provide resources we otherwise won't produce that well.
We even use Chinese for their food and labor but we say nothing about them
because they make us money because they sell.
Hate becomes like a plague of the inner mind that corrupts the central nervous system.
And the blacks they just kill em in cold blood not seeing our potential.
A house decided against itself can't stand.
That's what a wise man once said.
So tell me is the world not our home
is it not our house that we live eat play survive and multiply in.
Well if we don't help one another
but rather kill, hate ,separate, and slaughter one another.
Then wouldn't the world just turn to chaos and fall apart.
It couldn't stand.
Lets just remove all the hate and distain and gather together and hold hands.
And now according to our worlds tradition for opening your eyes
to see the light and the future.
I guess I'm ready to be kilt where I stand.
But first I wanna see these young white supremacist and the Donald trumps of the
world to gather and hold the minorities they hate
( for their skin color of which they never chose) hand.