Happy 17th Birthday, Baby Girl
I haven't seen that beautiful smile
In quite awhile
It's almost been a year since you left
I still have some pictures of you
But it's not the same
I want to see in the flesh
Living and breathing
Blood pumping through your veins
But I've got to face the facts
The fact that you're gone, never to return
Fuck, Toni
I miss you
Yet there's nothing I can do about it
My heart bleeds for you
I remember all the times I spent with you
The hugs at school
Messing around in Art
Truth or Dare bus rides
Evern the first time I went to your house
These memories weren't meant to last
They were meant to be the first of many
As I write this
Tears stream down my face
The only way they'll stop is to see you
To hear your voice
Hold you in my arms
And be graced by your beautiful smile
But until then
My tears will continue to flow
Just for you
And one last thing Toni,
Happy 17th Birthday