A GPA Does Not Define You
Just because
4.0 knows the equations of quantum mechanics
Doesn't mean that he is smarter than 2.0
1.0 might not know the terminal side of an angle
But 1.0 knows that one of the angels in the sky is the mother of 1.5
And the white lines on the pale skin of 3.5
Are not a coincidence
But the after effects of a father's fists
And just because
4.5 knows how to handle differential equations
As well as be able to recite every detail of the Vietnam War
Doesn't mean
That the war in the mind of 4.5
Will allow 4.5 to live much longer
Just because
3.0 doesn't understand the essence of physics
Doesn't mean that 3.0 is daft
Just maybe
3.0 knows how to thread beautiful words together
to create aesthetic heart-wrenching poetry
And one day
3.0 will be famous
But no one will care
Because a 3.0
Is not a 4.0
And nothing below a 4.0
Is acceptable
Because everything below a 4.0
Is nothing at all.