Life is beautiful. Isn’t it?
Not when your dad is a drinker.
That just makes it total shit!
I am glad my mom was a thinker.
She left real quick,
And met a much better man.
Daddy you made me sick.
The beer is where it all began.
Why didn’t you stop?
It killed you!
One day life just went pop.
It’s sadly true.
I’m only seventeen!
You only forty-four!
Today I became a machine.
You are the one I abhor.
I said I didn’t love you,
But watching you lie there,
I realized it just isn’t true.
So take care.
This is good bye for you.
You are in heaven,
And I am through.
So ask no question.
I hate you,
Yet I love you too.
It’s all so true.
And it’s why I’m so blue.