Glow-Up, Grow Up Scholarship Slam
wen i grow up i want to sav the world
recess *bell rings*
we r going to be best friends
i dont want dad to hurt mommy
middle school
They dnt understand
My life isn't normal
ill nvr get anywhere
i want dakota to <3 me
high school
I fled home.
8 schools and
3 states
later, I am finally free.
I still want to save the world one day
but first I must save myself.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is essential for recovery.
I found myself again.
Determined to find my way.
I'm pursing a Bachelors in Nursing.
I have a passion for serving others
especially those in unfortunate circumstances.
One day I'll oversee a well renowned nursing home
recognized for their quality care.
Then I'm going to save the world.