I can not
I will not
believe in your ghosts with you
Those ghosts
Those demons
Those creatures
Those things you make up
as excuses
to abuse me
The argument is too strong
it is always too strong
and I can not win
I can not fight you
I can not fight those things you have created to scare me
because they do not exist
except on the days
you wish to use them against me
I can not
I will not
fight you
or your ghosts
or your demons
or your monsters
or your shadows
or your lost things…
But neither will I let them continue to bully me
to call me names
to make idle threats
to punish me
to keep me compliant
to keep me back
to keep me guarded
I am my own person..
without you
without your ghosts
I do not believe
I do not obey
I can not continue
I will not believe in your ghosts…
since they are real for you
I must ask that you please
release them
if nothing else..
please just release me..