Baby beluga in the deep blue sea
You swim so wild and you swim so free
Heaven above and the sea below
You’re just a little white whale on the go!
I so look forward to a time
When I can gaze down at a body that is mine
Flat chest
No breasts
Scar lines will run from under my arms
But these lines won’t be the signs of harm
Instead they’ll be proof that I made it through
Marks that say “I
do what I have to do
to be true”
To myself and to everyone around me
They’ll vow “I
promise to be the best
me I can be”
And maybe by being true to myself
I can do the same for others
If I can help just one person recover
from a bad place
like so many others did for me
I can show that sometimes this world
isn’t a bad place to be.
When I can look down
and be happy with what I’ve found