Five Stages of a Grieving Heart
Anger: The anger came when I saw you with her. I didn’t think it would happen, but it did. Jealously filled my mind as she shot down my chances. I forced myself not to be bothered, sacrificing my own happiness for yours. Love is hate.
Bargaining: I begged God to send me a sign that you were the one for me. Anything I could do, I would do it for you. I fell so hard for you that I so desperately wanted us together forever. Love is silent.
Depression: By far the longest, most enduring stage my heart and mind have had to overcome. Knowing where we stand and knowing where we can never be. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. An intense ache struck my body that I could not control. Love is pain.
Acceptance: My heart, like a phoenix, has been reborn again. Risen from the ashes of its former self. Finally, I have moved on, ready to start anew. Don’t lose yourself. Love is out there. Love is real.