A Feeling
It strikes quickly
almost unnoticed
almost unfelt.
It settles in stages-
A fear, a sadness,
you shiver, you shake
you feel the heart quake
the feeling sinks in
to your skin, your muscles
your soul
until you feel it with all it's might
bearing down on your body
squeezing at your mind.
You hold on to the feeling
because it brings you clear thought,
a realization of what you lost.
It knocks down what doesn't matter
and brings forth what is left
It takes away evil
and shows you what is best
This pain that you're feeling
you've probably had before.
It lasts quite a while,
but then is no more.
You can't quite remember
how it felt in the past
until something happens
to reveal it at last.
You don't want to remember
you force it away.
It goes til it's gone
it fades through the day,
the night
until it's all right.
You find some relief
from this feeling called grief.