
Why is it that our minds try to convince us that the worst is going to come true?

And that even when you try to convince yourself other wise, it doesn't seem to work, no matter what you do.

I was once told that there is nothing that you need to fear except for fear itself,

But it's so hard to try and change that idea when you have always had this thought inside yourself.

The only thing that I have realized is that all fear does is hold you back from what you really want to do,

And I think that is what fear is trying to do; hold you back from being able to see things through.

One thing I realized is that this is why being a kid is the most beautiful thing,

Because they never think about the bad that could happen, and the pain that it might bring.

They have this innocence and this belief in themselves that only changes as they age,

But it sucks that all of us start to face reality, and we eventually grow out of this stage.

Maybe we all need to bring out our inner child more so we don't think about the bad things that may occur,

And maybe we can try and go back to the way that we once were.

The only thing that I learned about fear is that it tries to make you think of things that are never going to come,

And it stops you from going where you want, and moving on from where you are from.

This poem is about: 
My community
Our world


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