The Fat Kid
I am the fat kid.
The frizzy haired,
Loud mouthed
Fat kid.
I am the one
People pretend not
To notice.
I am the one
Who cannot fade
Into the background
Because everything about me is loud.
I am the one who
Pleads to be unseen.
I am the student
Who asks a million
I am the student
Who begs for projects.
I am the student
Whose dog really ate their homework.
I am the student
You call home to say
“I’m worried Susie doesn’t
Interact enough with her classmates.”
I am a bruised knee.
I am a paper cut.
I am every
Grade School trauma
There ever was and ever will be.
I am not the kids
Who teased me
And I am not the teachers
Who didn’t stop it.
I am not the hairdresser
Who told me my hair was “unfavorable”
And I am not the school nurse
Who told my mom to
“Pack a lighter lunch.”
I am heavy hearted
And I am a good listener.
I cherish my friends
Because I know
What it’s like
Not to have any.
I am strong willed
And I am respectful.
I am the cliche
Fat kid
And I wouldn’t have
It any other way.