The Dream
America, the great dream
That lured so many
Still a renounced temptation
America the great dream of more
More land, more space, more freedom
You can breath
There is room to grow
Grow into rebellious children
Ruining tea
Breaking, still trying to push free of the shackles of oppression
Spear heading industry
Breath and grow free
Then stand up and fight for more
America the great dream
Of opportunity
Of more
Cutting teeth on cutting edge
We drew the curve with steel and steam
America the great, dream
Tempting with promises of opportunity
Come and breath free we scream!
“Bring us your poor”
Our gates say, we promise that American dream
But the orange order dictates only to those that
Look, speak, act, pray the same
So Cliché’
Founded upon oppressors seeking refuge to become more extreme
To the victors go the spoils, and the pen
The text books read,
The American dream, melting pot of society
Promises of compassion
That great American dream
Land of opportunity
The opportunity for qualifications to be over looked and out weighted
By gender
Think you are smart?
Your only oppertunity is to be locked up if your skin is too dark
The freedom
To pass up setting the bar and leading innovation
Because your faith tells you to turn a blind eye to melting ice caps
The world is flat
The compassion to
When help is within reach
Because you were not covered
Life is pre-existing
The compassion to sneer
And refuse relief from bodily functions
Because your god taught all were created equal
only if they are an X or a Y
America the great dream
Breath, reality
America the great dream
What a farce
We breath
No! Instead made
Forged of this, hard knocks learning
The rebellious child hands stained with tea
Broken shackles of oppression clacking
Still running the gauntlet of civilization
Challenged but not out of the race
Breath deep
Of opportunity
Of freedom
Of … compassion
America the great dream
The ever persistent child
Will not let go
Will not stop fighting for that dream and more
Breath is too deep
The dream has infected reality