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We’ll sail through the galaxies, conquer the stars,
Reach through the cosmos, colonize Mars.
As a spacefaring civilization we’ll find,
America, the great dream
That lured so many
Still a renounced temptation
America the great dream of more
More land, more space, more freedom
You can breath
There is room to grow
ICARUS - a stiffened dream of humanity in his desire - to fly
Space ships and airplanes is not full of human feeling
that this dream has come true
Our mind want to traveling around the stars and distant worlds
The fire is the world
The smoke sits
Can it always be?--
Smoke back to fire
We envision the imposible
what are we but specks of dirt
with too much lust and savage thirst
who reap the land of all that's good
till never more is there what stood
and who am i but empty face
consumed by this empty race