Door Handles
I used to break door handles,
A habit my parents never cherished.
Someone would hide behind the door,
And I'd come chasing after them.
The slam of the door
The click of the lock,
And little ol' me running close behind
Ready to rock.
A challenge before me-
A true test of strength!
Two hands on...
Twist, twist, and crank!
Before you knew it,
I'd be on the other side
Revealing those who had tried
To run and hide.
"I'm here! I'm here!"
My shouts only raised their fear.
"I don't want to fight."
"I just want you near."
Still though,
Lesson be learned,
To break the door handle
Only made them scramble.
Best to have patience,
Rather than ramble, zamble, bamble.
They're not meant to be
Broken, scared, and shattered.
They're meant to be
Happy, excited, even flattered.
So just knock, calmly and cooly-
And wait for the door to open to the absolutely.