Do You Really Love Her
Do you really love her?
Do you really care?
I could love her better.
Why are you even there?
I care about her as a person,
I don't just love her booty!
I would spend more time with her
Than I did playing Call of Duty!
Do you really love her?
Do you really care?
I could love her better.
Why are you even there?
She thinks you're her morphine,
You're more like anti-freeze!
I could be her Ibuprofen,
If she just saw you're a sleaze!
Oh baby please!
Do you really love her?
Do you actually care?
I could love her so much better.
Do you even know why you're there?
Why the hell are you there?
If you knew what you had
You'd get off your ass!
Now as I destroy my liver
I see her in my glass.
You don't really love her!
You don't really care!
I love her so much more!
Why are you still there?
It just isn't fair,
That I'm not there.
Does she even care?