
You really thought I would give you the privilege to stop me,

But you have no idea who I am and the person that I am trying to be.

You so badly wanted to believe that I was broken,

Just because of the words that you left spoken.

I know that you try to bring me down because you know you are already beneath me,

And it is something that you can clearly see.

You are jealous and inseacure because how much I have going right now,

And when I come out victorious, you will sit there watching my victory as I take a bow.

I know that I have to add you to the list of people who want to see me fail,

And while I am working hard and achieving my goals, you'll  be sitting there still waiting for the right moment to set sail.

I am no longer going to bring myself down because of losers like you,

Because you couldn't handle going through half of what I've been through, or are capable of doing half of what I do.

And that is the problem with people like you, you are never rooting for anyone else to succeed,

Because people like you are selfish, and are full of jealousy and greed.

I am at the point where I find it funny when people don't like me,

Because I know they are jealous because there is something in me that they know they could never be.

I have been nothing but kind, but for some reason, you still have an issue,

But you can sit back and cry, and I will happily go give you a tissue.

You have problems within youself, and that's okay,

But I am no longer going to allow anyone to treat me that way.

You can't bring me down because I know you are already beneath me,

And I am so proud of myself for finally allowing myself to be able to see.

That you have a problem with you, but you make other people be the ones to take the blame,

And if you say I'm irrelevant to you so much, how come you keep saying my name?

You pretend like you don't care as you keep trying to ride your high horse,

But while you continue to run your mouth, I will continue to stay on the course.

I am going to let your wrong opinion of me stop me from getting what I want,

And I will remain humble and do it with grace, and I'm not going to flaunt.

Because, when I am a success, you will wish you treated me better,

Cause you were too busy throwing your life away while I'm too much of a goal getter. 

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