Dear Fear
Dear Fear,
I apologize for the suddenness
In which I write this note to you,
But as I look back over our time together
My thoughts are overdue.
You’ve done much to protect me,
From heartache and from pain.
You’ve steered me far from risks
And shielded me from the rain.
But, while my heart has been kept safe,
It has also gone unused.
To open myself to greater joys,
I’ll try things I once refused.
For though great risk can bring great depths,
It can also bring great height,
And for access to those sweeter joys
I must choose faith over fright.
So from this time on, this is goodbye:
Courage is my love anew,
With its hand in mine I’m headed off
To find things I never knew.
I have cut the anchor
And am off to distant shores.
No longer yours.