Dark and Despair in the Air
Dark and despair in the air
Tame those people who want to swear
Make them believe in something else
But keep it close to them like belts
Help them decide to take a better path
Before they want to expel their wrath
Dark and despair in the air
Those who like to spit and snare
To widdle away their lives and souls
By drinking and smoking from a bowl
That takes away any chance of hope
From their downward life of a slope
Dark and despair in the air
Those who feel that stealing is right
When living creatures are at plight
And when they go about and do their evil acts
Does nothing to those who stand back and attract
The attention of those who cower in fear
At those who sing their evil cheer
Dark and despair in the air
A shining sun breaks through the clouds
Those who make themselves known in the group
Who changed for the better and for the troop
To show the enlightened mentality which inspired them
And how they decided to branch off from the stem
To become better than they truly are
And to fulfill the dreams of those who lived under par
A shining sun breaks through the clouds