When was the exact moment I fell, I don’t remember, but look at me, my spirit is loud and clear, it tells?
Like monkey business it smells 8-months ago, I could never foretell, or predicted a “love” such as this.
Once again, I asked for love and he gave me troubled people to help, I guess I got my wish.
Once again, I asked for strength and he gave me obstacles to overcome, second wish.
I asked for peace, but is this my piece, sheesh.
I contributed to the chaos.
I am not a cool kid, I’m far from a boss.
All this mess comes with a cost.
How much am I willing to pay?
Will I look at myself in the mirror with pride again one day?
Who’s to say?
I’m choosing this so I must be willing to pay.
My daddy rolling in his grave, I wonder what he would say.