A Confusion That Makes Sense
14 years old and growing younger by the minute. Invinsibility is the only way to describe the pain she felt those days. She use to think being free was painful because all she knew was captivity. Could she be even more twisted? Could life be that backwards to her? Drugs, sex, and alcohol the only life she knew; a perfect one at that. I guess you can consider her a pro. A pro of the unusual. But can you define unusual like she can? Now look at her world with no judgement at all. Impossible? No, but who really can turn around and not judge.Nobody can. Now as she grows young and starts to judge just as we all do everyday would she finally be normal. Could you except her? Yes? No? 17 years young and living a life of prayer, education, love, but still forced into a corner and unaccepted. From hell to heaven she changed roads, but yet still found herself at a dead end. So tell me once more, why couldn't we except her. What made that girl different. Was she really even unusual? She sits in my arms every night and cries. My daughter, my world, is what my mother would say. My mother, the only person who never judged and always excepted. So tell me once more, why wasn't I accepted?