I can’t breathe
Am I beneath
Everything I see
Or is it just a part of me
Is it all real
Or are they just faking a thrill
It’s not easy being at the top
When everyone just wants to drop
Everything I feel
Please tell me it’s not real
It’s not worth the pain
It’s ruining my brain
Take me away from this nightmare
It feels like I’m burning in a fire
Are tears allowed
I’m being lost as it starts to overcrowd
Is there an escape
It feels like statutory rape
And I didn’t give consent
This isn’t what I meant
When I said I wanted to be free
It feels like I’m drowning in the Yangtze
I didn’t know I would lose my mind
Am I a failure to mankind
Not this time
I’m not committing a crime
I’m trying to save my life
But this is just a strife
I deserve a better life
This is a crime
And it’s wasting my time
I am not a failure to mankind
I did lose my mind
But I found it in the Yangtze
I am now free
This is all I meant
I didn’t give them consent
And it was statutory rape
But I found my escape
I lost myself in the overcrowd
And I found that tears are allowed
The burns from the fire
Remind me of the nightmare
It scarred my brain
And I still hurt from the pain
It is real
Everything I still feel
The pain will never be worth the things I had to drop
Just to come out on top
They were faking every thrill
Making us believe this is what is real
I found a part of me
And now I see
I am not beneath
And I can finally breathe