come back
and I walked outside and nearly broke my neck
trying to watch the stars because
that’s where I came from they tell me
but if the galaxies are in my bones
then where is this earth because
I feel like I’m gone already
and where did the dirt go
that used to be under my fingernails
when I’m sitting here watching this
blue screen and hoping oh I’m hoping
that when I disappear I’ll go back home
to the tree I used to climb when I was
too young to have my
heart broken
and lose my way
because when it was only the sun
that I had to worry about on my skin
then I didn’t have to worry about
losing my mind in this wasteland
without a hand on my shoulder
and I wasn’t alone
because I didn’t know there was
something wrong with being alone
when I was alone
but I’m back
and I miss
not being