A Chance
Time keeps passing, the world still turns
I’d hoped I’d moved on, but the passion still burns
I know you still feel it, there’s no way you don’t
I ask you to be honest, but we both know you won’t
Not just a passing glance, but a lingering gaze
I won’t let it affect me, I now know your ways
You still act the same, that grin I know so well
But you can’t expect forgiveness after putting me through Hell
Did your memory fail? Let me fill you in
Always should have known there was no way I could win
You gave me hope, offered me your heart
Then you ripped it away, tearing me apart
You opened up, you acted like you cared
All of those nights, into your eyes I stared
It took us awhile, didn’t know what to feel
But everyone else could tell it was real
I still have people in my ear everyday
Saying when I walk into a room you can’t help but look my way
I’m just so hurt I can’t even explain
I can’t possibly fathom what goes through your brain
When I see your face now, I don’t know who you are
You aren’t the same boy as all those nights in my car
All that I think is that you were a mistake
You are merely a chance I wish I didn’t take