The butterflies swarm inside my head,
My mind decides to tell them everything I've said.
Fluttering, moving, spacing out,
They come from all directions to have no doubts.
Peaking and peering inside my mind,
Thinking they know everything that goes on inside.
The butterflies swarm inside my head,
Transforming into doctors who look down and take in the dread.
Feeling uncomfortable has become a common thing,
Wanting to disappear has become my reality.
Standing there alone with no one to cry,
These butterflies need company and that must be I.
The butterflies swarm inside my head,
Creating the images that resemble the dead.
A noose, a girl, a smiling mouse,
Anything can appear if I just look out.
They taunt me, they crave, they fear me not,
I can go to their side and tie my own knot.
The butterflies swarm inside my head,
All day and all night I refuse to be fed.
Not another bite will enter my mouth,
My entire idea has headed south.
I run and run until I cough,
But all I've ever wanted is this fat to come off.
The butterflies swarm inside my head,
I'm not like the others like they have said.
Small little things send a panic,
My heart begins to sink like the Titantic.
Controlling my breathing doesn't work,
So I'll carry on with my life and this little smirk.