Because of a Fall
Leaf falling down a tree
A whole life attached to a native bough
Clingstone to freestone, pinnate to palmate,
Persistent untill the wind sets it free,
Far from crown it goes now
Hate's leaf scar on its state
A brief time is spent there-
Where the leaf and the wind breeze through the world-
When swiftly this breeze fades into the skies
A gale now, the leaf exerts to prayer
All the rush is now whirled
Just a leaf that gives cries
The wind controls its sway
Blowing spray on the leaf's veins with no green
It uses its teeth to pop, pop, pop, off
Its wide margins it scoffs through the airway
Cuts off buds, a routine
"Because I love you" coughs
A smashed midrib, but there's still evergreen
Just has to remove the more weight to float
Nourishing? No, this was an invasion
Does not need yohimbine,
Looking at leaf scar's note
I just have to unfall-
Return to the crown for true love was there-
Nothing more nourishing than that heartwood
Where compassion, forgiveness, and warmth sprawl
Now I am cordate, swear
Because I love you could