To be who you are
Is possible to be who you are when the whole world is against you?
Does it matter if you know who you are if the ones you cherish will only reject you
To be who you are is to experience pain
You can not change who you are, who would you be?
A shell of a person who would become bitter and angry
To be who you are is painful
To open yourself up to the very real possibility of your loved ones hating you
Is it worth it?
To be true to yourself and stop pretending?
To take off your mask and let the world see you for who you are?
What does it profit a person to gain the whole world but lose thier soul?
Why should I be who I am?
Why not contine to be fake and hide?
To be human is to be rejected
To be who you are is hard
It is hard and painful and not for the weak of heart
Me, Im not sure I can ever be myself completley
To be who I am is to be disowned
But you dear child, you have a chance
To be who you are for the whole word to see
Take this oppertunity and run with it
Do not be dismayed there is hope for you
You can be who you are
To be yourself is to be human