When you hear "animal"
What do you think?
Furs of brown,
Or collars of pink?
What about man?
The ones with no virtues,
The ones we can't stand,
The ones we can't rescue.
They think with their pain,
And their pasts,
Are to blame.
They know what they're doing,
Don't get me wrong,
They're pursuing the respect,
They wish they had all along.
But what they don't get,
Is love is not thrusted,
It's gained through respect,
With the one most trusted.
No I don't love you,
I hate your guts!
To me you're of no value,
And you fill me with disgust!!
I won't say this aloud,
So I'm writing it here,
Because it would make you proud,
That I'm filled with fear.
As I said before,
The real animals are men.
Of this I am sure...
I've witnessed it again and again!
When you hear "animal",
Now what do you cogitate?
Furs of brown,
Or men full of hate?