All I Ever Wanted
I’ll admit, I’m selfish
I have a greed for things that I don’t have
The list of things I want fills encyclopedias
Dictionary-sized lengths of words telling of my desires
I can’t write it all out without aching
I’ve hurt my wrists in attempts to spell it out before
So I’ll do it again
Because I want to
Unfortunately, I can’t tell of all of it
My days are numbered, and so is my computer memory space
My playlist is only so long to keep my mind running
Without it ending up on the run
So I’ll tell you this much
What I want most
The desire that’s been dug into my skin
Embedded into my wrists but done with Sharpie ink rather than a blade
Because I’ll never risk giving it to something I tell those I love not to do
Told to my poetry and those willing to listen to me rather than my sentences
All I ever want
I know, the word is broad
Seven letters that could cover seven thousand other subtopics
But, like I said, I’m selfish
But let’s clear out some of those lengthy possibilities of what I mean
I’m not speaking of chains and locks
I’m not speaking of human rights or laws
I don’t even care to be free of rules or time or deadlines
You see, I’m a prisoner
I’m being abused
Don’t call child protective services just yet, though
It’s not like that
I’m held down and beaten by something out of the control of physical law books
Handcuffs and court have no say in how I can get free of this
These padlocks don’t have a key or combination
And my scars can’t be seen by human eyes
Because it’s all in my head
Up here, where everything can be kept secret
But just because the only things on my wrists are bracelets doesn’t mean I’m not in pain
Doesn’t mean that my words are less meaningful than the other person’s
I want to be free of myself
My racing mind and beating heart are the bane of my existence
They tell me things and test my patience
Trying to push me to the edge of my rope just to see if I’ll fall
Whispering to me every time I stutter in my words
Every time I pick up the phone
Every time I get called on in class
I put on a new shirt
I try a new style
I draw a new picture
I get my facts wrong
I stand up on stage
I drop my bag
Everything I do, my mind is right there
“You’re stupid. Everyone’s judging you now.
They’ll never forget this. Neither will you.
You’re so pathetic. I can’t believe you right now.
How do you even have friends? I bet they can’t stand you.”
But it’s always quiet
Told to me in a voice so small and gentle that I can almost trust it
Barely pushing in the thoughts by the pinkie finger
Planting the tiny mustard seeds comparable to faith
So when they’re watered they bloom
Watered with flash floods
Random, unexpected, out-of-the-blue waves
Middle of the night, middle of class, middle of conversation
And I write letters to me, but just in my head
My pens and paper don’t need to hear it
“I hate you. I hate you. You’re terrible. You’re unwanted.
Nobody actually cares. You should be gone right now.”
I don’t want this
I don’t want any more of these words
No more chains and bruises and abuse
I wish minds had a rulebook
I wish you could put handcuffs on thoughts
Because I want freedom
I’ll be okay with not having much money or friends or talent
I’m okay with a lack of love from other people
I just want love from myself
I just need to be free
I’m not too selfish
That’s all I ever really want