Poems from lionbirbs

Hiya! I'm Shelly and I like lots of stuff. I've been writing poetry since freshman year (I was introduced by my awesome teacher), and I'm currently 18 and a freshman in college at Cogswell Polytechnical College. Aside from writing poems, I write a lot of stories, and I really enjoy drawing. If you want to see my art and get it on some cool stuff, go here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/lionbirbs
Through the years my heart had been stifled
The childhood songbird lost its voice
And the feathers of its wings were plucked
Until all that...
Writing by the light of a door cracked open is the most honest one can get with oneself.
Especially when that door leads to the hallway of...
Senior Year
17 and 18 year old punk kids
Who used to be prodigies, geniuses, beyond their years
We were told we were so smart
When A+ math...
With them
Problems are laced into me
Like a greedy dog’s drugs in a poor girl’s drink
People have taken advantage of me
Violated me
I have been whispering your name since I could form words in my mouth
My first prayers were led by parents over dinner tables