About My Body
I’m short.
Are you SERIOUS?
I NEVER noticed!
Thank you for informing me.
I was hoping 5’ 3” would be tall enough
to reach the cupboard
Without standing on my toes
Or grabbing the stool.
I’m little?
Woah! This is so new!
Yeah I weigh 95 pounds.
I’m six percent body fat.
No, I’m not anorexic.
Thanks for pretending to care.
When I smile,
You see metal
Crisscrossing my teeth.
Aluminum factory?
I’ve heard it all.
Yes, I do hate being brace-faced!
But it means I’ll have a pageant-girl smile.
So it MUST be worth the shredded gums
And inability to eat every time
They put new wires in my face, right?
Oh, I’m BLIND?
I didn’t know!
I thought having terrible vision was normal!
And who told you it would be okay
To take my glasses off my face
And put them on yours?
You’re smearing the lenses!
I can’t find them without them in the mornings.
I kinda need them back…
I’d take them from you but I’m too short!
But just because I’m short
Doesn’t mean that I can’t dance,
And it definitely doesn’t mean
That I can’t kick you in the face
If you piss me off.
Just because I’m small
Doesn’t mean that I’m not strong.
And it definitely doesn’t mean
That I don’t have a heart
Big enough to pull you in
And suffocate your depression.
I may have metal
Grating against the back of my lips
But that doesn’t mean
That no one will ever kiss me.
And it definitely doesn’t mean
That I can’t sing
Or that I can’t recite memorized lines
Upon a stage in front of a crowd
Full of people.
Just because I can’t see without my glasses
Doesn’t mean that I can’t read
The anger and hurt written across your face.
And it definitely doesn’t mean
That I am blind to the ugliness
Painted all over the world we live in.
When I look in the mirror
I don’t see beauty.
I see my struggles and my scars,
My blank stares and my memories.
I don’t scare myself the way I used to.
I’m not ugly,
And I’m not beautiful.
I’m simply here,
I simply exist.
My body is what it is,
And you have no right to hate me for it,
No right to ask me to change it.
So shut up.