100 years from now
Who are you reading curiously this poem of mine?
A hundred years from now?
Shall I be able to explore the websites?
-Warped through the soul of my cellular device-
The faintest touch of a screen bringing happiness
The white outer shell
A music box
A message creator
A hundred years from now?
Yet for once open the window of your Facebook
And from your desk
Gaze into the profile of a fan
Then, enjoy each poke given
Think of status updates
That came magically appearing on the wall
From some other keyboard of bliss
To connect the hearts of the world
A hundred years ago;
Think of the hot summer day
Sand stuck inside the toes
And the breeze from the cool oceans
-The scent of salt water filling the air-
A wave rushing back and forth on the shore
With the colorful people walking about
A hundred years before your day
And think why this early?
Her whole body dreading to awaken
A student leaving before dawn
The frost melting off the window of the Beetle
The chilling feeling inside
She waits as the Beetle warms
One morning a hundred years ago
A hundred years from now
Who is the new student anxiously awaiting that special day in June?
Through the years I send to thee
The joyous text from my cellular
May it fill your heart with happiness
On your summer day,
In the world of Facebook
In the ocean of your dreams
In your college memories-
A hundred years from now