Messty story

I wrote that I was going to wait for you love

Wait until my heart contempt 

But I also wrote that my time is running out, and as the days goes by

I can't be the girl inside the claustrophobic, echoed light room with the window open 

waiting for you to walk towards this suffercating classroom 

And as much as I fantisise you walking through that door, I can't anymore


Wirting this is so hard for me

Such as a taking a cub from its ma 

or romoving the panadol from the cabinent when I feel sick 

In all words. I'm sad



... Hurt 


I waited for you to love me

but in the end 

you did me wrong

I only wantred to lifted up by you

But it was you that dug me 6 deep into the grave-yard


And even through all that..

I still love you

Each time I say those words I feel each letter pricking my lips


Numbing the girl I use to be


She's gone

She's broken 

Look at her

She's not breathing 

not moving

You did this 

You brought this upon her



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