What an Interesting Time
The year I was born
Was the same year Matthew Shepard was murdered
The same year blood filled our televisions
And anger burned our throats
The year I was born was when everything changed
I was too young to remember it
To young to grasp the consequences
And how they might mold me
The same year of the first AIDS walks in Albany NY
Merely 8 miles from where I write this
But I was asleep
Not even sensing the danger
It wouldn’t wake me for over a decade
Many years before I realized
That I wasn’t a majority
That I loved someone I shouldn’t love
That I didn’t kiss who I was supposed to kiss
I do not remember my first kiss
Which perhaps isn’t ideal
But my brain has fogged over those memories
Those memories of earlier kisses
Of my earlier adventures
It’s hard to say what was consensual
Or what was intentional
Or what was a mistake
But that is for another poem
It was 2016 that I had my first real love
My first explosive emotions
My first remembered consent
Holding a boy in a yellow fiat
Kissing his neck all summer
The summer of the pulse
Fearing my parents like the apocalypse
Fearing my church like the angry mob
And fearing the world who would shoot me dead
That was the summer I learned about hate
And how I would learn to recognize it
How it would always follow me home
The summer I was learning not to hate myself
Was the same summer they told me I had to
The summer I heard of those who had died
Those who were killed
And those who were lucky
Like me.
Perhaps it might not seem that way
To those I loved
Or those who claim to love me
But I was alive
I kissed behind closet doors
Held hands while hiding
But I was learning.
I was in college when I befriended fear
Merely 10 miles from where I had slept
A man was beaten for being like me
Beaten with a bat and people watched
People like you perhaps
I was 19 years old when I realized that I could be next
That it could be my head
Beaten and bloodied
It was the same year of the neonazi rally near my hometown
The white supremacy parade
From where I grew up
From where I learned hate
From where I left handprints in the soil
And realized who I’d become
Who I could have become
If I wasn’t gay.
This is a poem for those who weren’t gay
Those who watched the television
Or stood by the parades
Or did nothing at all
Because what if it was you?
What if you were the one catching baseball bats or bullets?
And what if no one was there to save you?
What an interesting time that would have been.