Dear Future Self
Dear future self:
I am you from the past.
That's an odd thought;
Right now,
as I write this,
I am in my prime.
I am the best I have ever been
But I am only a version of you.
To me, my past selves are
immature and underdeveloped.
They are unexperienced and dull.
But you,
Reading this now,
Are the ripest of all of us.
You are the strongest,
and oldest of all.
Many mistakes I've made,
and you surely remember them.
But you grow because of them.
I am your past.
I am a whole different person;
now immature,
now underdeveloped,
now unexperienced and dull.
Because everyday,
you renew yourself.
You get a fresh start.
You are new everyday
And I stay the same.
I inspire you to transform
and impress me.
I am your past.
You have learned from me,
But do not dwell on my existence
Because you will not grow.
Use me correctly,
and you will grow more than you ever have in our existence.
I am your past.
Don't forget me,
But don't hold on so tight.
I am your past
but as present as you want me to be.