Inside my head at any given moment
Today when I look in the mirror,
I know that all I value is shown,
I will have no fear, nor flee as a deer,
I can not conceive how I must have grown,
To allow myself to perservere,
Fore I will not pretend to be a clone,
Nor drive myself away to a place unclear,
In order to not appear alone,
Why shouldn't I face the world without fear?
To allow my dreams to be thrown,
Aside in a nevernending manner, such as last year
Where my true thoughts may never be known?
My life will serve as my vehicle, to be broadcasted to as many as a world premiere,
The truth of the world may be cruel, but my destiny is sewn
Into the heart that has given me power to acheive all I have in every move as a willing volunteer,
That it is my time to become fully grown,
While finding my feet to use them to run free to the next chapter of my life's great frontier.