What I'm Thankful For
What I’m Thankful For
When asked to speak, I figured, hey! This will be easy.
As I began to think of what to say, I grew slightly queasy.
Turns out, this was a little harder than I perceived.
So I began to conceive
every thought and idea which I was thankful for.
Yes, I appreciate the general and typical four:
food, water, shelter, and clothing,
but if I left with just that, I’d merely be showing
my laziness and incompetence.
I’m seventeen, that’s an expected deliverance.
If I left with just this,
Ha ha I wouldn't be doing God justice
Because everything that I’m Thankful for
Derives from our Lord.
I should probably start
Because I don’t want to delay the message of God’s heart.
Now this won’t take long, I promise;
Bear with me and I’ll give you the gist:
I’m thankful for my mother, who birthed me into existence.
I’m thankful she’s given me sustenance
From a pesky infant to a needy teenager.
I’m thankful for my former-military and present-pastor, father;
Raising me in the precepts
Of the Bible and all its concepts:
Love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
I’m thankful for my brother and his vast intelligence
Alongside his wisdom
which has prepared me for what is to come.
Overall I’m thankful for my family;
Each obstacle strengthening our harmony.
I’m grateful and thankful for my friends.
We have these great relationships that have no end.
I’m thankful for their acceptance
On my first day of seventh grade here, including my entrance;
I was crying and whimpering,
“Mom, can’t you see these tears pouring.
Down my face,
Don’t make me go to this place”,
But as I entered the class
Acquaintances and friendships were made fast.
As time flew
And relationships grew,
We became more than acquaintances; more than friends.
We became siblings; an inseparable and incredible kin.
Now we’re seniors; it’s hard to imagine.
We will soon be genuine
In pursuing our own futures,
But we will never forget our great adventures.
We are family
For the rest of eternity.
But most of all, I’m thankful for my God, Jesus Christ;
Who, with a single breath, filled the universe with his life,
Constructing universes and planets
Leaving us evidence of His presence
He painted a wide canvas of stars
For us to value and appreciate from afar.
I am grateful for all his creation:
The mountains, the woods, the country sides, and even the oceans.
As they were made to reflect His glory,
I see how each piece of artwork amplifies his story.
I’m thankful for His redemption,
An undeserved representation of Salvation.
As I was in my man-made hell,
He began to remind me and to tell
Of his meaningful grace
Miraculously seeing His face.
You know what that’s called: love.
Because I am unworthy to receive this gift from above.
Yet, he chose to deliver
A gift I refer to now as Savior.
A gift so amazing,
that has left me dazing.
Frequently asking why?
Then realizing: His love is perfect and able to reconcile
All my sin to sin no more.
Yes it is Jesus I call Lord.
But His love doesn't stop with me,
No it extends to each individually.
I thank you for your time
In thanking the true divine.
But I leave you with a toast:
Join with me to praise our God, the God of hosts.