Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

When all you did was please  For acceptance and ease  And the moment you stop 
1 week 5 days ago
sweaty fingers dance quickly along the keysmy heart beating so fast my feet want to leave
1 week 5 days ago
I’m not fighting  I’m trying I’m just trying to be heard You’re not listening  You think my thoughts are absurd 
1 week 5 days ago
Individuality sacrificed  no longer the possessor  of a single mind   Keyboard warriors 
1 week 5 days ago
Deja vu  ground hog day  both the same  there is no change    so I’m imprisoned 
1 week 5 days ago
How do you keep going when you feel so lost?
1 week 5 days ago
To the first boy who loved me: I'm sorry I didn't love you back. I'm sorry I didn't know that I couldn't.
1 week 5 days ago
A teardrop of joy a teardrop of sorrow Different in substance
1 week 5 days ago
I smell the hint of the whispering breeze moving each blade of grass.
1 week 5 days ago
3 hours before … I snoozed my alarm clock for the 15th time before I finally managed to get out of bed.
1 week 5 days ago
