Individuality sacrificed 

no longer the possessor 

of a single mind


Keyboard warriors 

that is what they be 

a social collective group 


They tap tap tap 

the aim 

to attack attack attack 


The power they wield 

the masked private reserved 



The loops the links the deep web links 

toxic emails aimed at you 

friendly messages laced

with a virus or two 


camera eyes spying on you

a little trace of activity they leave 

to divert you away from the light


plunge you into darkness 

until hours have passed by 

the day has gone and your time 


it is stolen the spotlight on them 

those the unknown 

and the danger is 


the ring cannot be broken 

low self esteem 

those who are broken 


those who hide deep in the shadows 

victims of technology

victims of the spies


their lives ruined while

the spies continue to spy

because to complain or report 


is soul destroying no one believes 

because hacking doesn’t really happen 

too hard to prove it doesn’t matter 


except for those it happens too

it pulls them down and isolates them 

the fear of touching a phone and more 


the paranoia that can occur 

the lives that are destroyed 

nothing will change until 


cowards behind the screen 

are held accountable 

for their deadly deeds.




This poem is about: 
Our world


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