Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Whose there when no one cares The body of people who always shares Am I alone? No People who have my back
11 years 8 months ago
she died and it was so strange i never understood how they would say one minute here and the next gone
11 years 8 months ago
Will you kiss me? Just one kiss from the lips I've been dreaming about since we met I know you'll never love me
11 years 8 months ago
She looks in the mirror, Her face tarnished and swollen.
11 years 8 months ago
And so the King said to his servant Bring to me a Nightingale To sing the night away Bring to me a bird
11 years 8 months ago
The raven comes and the raven flies Now it’s time to say goodbyes A skeletal hand now reaches out
11 years 8 months ago
Confusing empty world; Filled with blaring noise; All voices combine to a deafening roar; I tried to speak out;
11 years 8 months ago
Small bird, Broken wings Left to die by all that pass Is there no mercy?
11 years 8 months ago
They say they can help themselves, Can they?
11 years 8 months ago
In a world filled with changes each and every day.. I feel I’m being judged for what I do n say..
11 years 8 months ago
