I Write to Survive
I write to hold onto the dreams that my foolish mind once believed
Could bring me to the light away from the world of the shunned
That fills me with sorrow yet sucks the breath from my body
The light from my eyes, my soul from my being to bring others
The joy that I cry for.
I write to release the years of hate building within my chest
That makes me feel like there are bricks upon bricks on my heart
To help me know that your abandonment will not bring me to me knees
To help me remember that I can move past your violation
And one day give a little smile just for my hearts content
Instead of the worlds greedy nature to make me conform
I write to get away from the pain
from his drunken leers
from her screams
from their tauntings
from my own self hate
I write to release the pain that builds in my chest
That even now consticts my throat
As the tears flow
And the sobs bubble up in my throat
I write to forget how they make me feel worthless and lost
That I can't even look myself in the mirror without feeling ashamed
I write because I can't even lie and say I'm beautiful
I write because I can't look myself in the eye and say that I love myself
I write because I have no one to talk to
I write because I'm scared I'll hurt myself
I write because I feel lost and alone
I write for release
I write to survive the world and my own demons that fight to destroy me
I need to write to survive or I know that I won't make it out alive
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you validated your reason to write
there is pain and sorrow i sense when i read this poem
this can be a new beginning for you to help motivate in breaking a vicious cycle and
inspire others that went through similar experience as yourself
nice poem
i love your poem its just like the way i felt when i was 14 and also now but just keep writing i want to read more :)
Your poem is powerful. One of my first thoughts when reading this is that I can relate this work. One of the best aspects about reading, whether it is a poem, a book, or anything else, someone, somewhere in the world can relate to it. This poem shows me that. As much as we believe we are alone at times, there will be a situation where someone says or writes something that expresses how you feel, and you feel a little better that you are not the only one feeling the way you are feeling.
I love this poem and I actually felt this. Sorry, I'm a little late with this comment.
Writing is a great relief of emotions and I'm glad you do that rather than self harm a very good poem though
Deep, love it <3 Keep writing