2014 equality lgbt
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They say that its wrong
To love another woman
To kiss her
To hold her as if i were a man
They say that's its wrong
To call myself "gay"
To dress like a boy
To prefer hats and haircuts
Seeing their child hanging from handle bars is every parent's dream,
but seeing them hanging by a noose is the fate that I deem
will happen to those whose dream is to be set free.
Years of silence, many lives gone,
they felt alone and weak so they decided to leave,
they were waiting for help and the strength to go on,
when they couldn't find it they died leaving families to grieve.
In life we're taught to be ourselves. As toddlers we're used to to hearing, "Oh, honey, you can be whatever you want to be." Now, it seems like those words were a plastered lie. Turning into young adults, we start to see the world's true colors.